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Christ Tresor Kouadio
Christ Tresor Kouadio

Codesys 2 3 Keygen 11

Codesys 2 3 Keygen 11 - How to Activate Codesys Software for Free

Codesys is a software platform for industrial automation and embedded systems. It allows users to program, configure, and debug various devices and controllers using a common graphical user interface and a standardized programming language. Codesys supports different hardware platforms, such as PLCs, HMIs, IPCs, robots, and drives.

However, Codesys software is not free. Users need to purchase a license key to activate the full functionality of the software. Depending on the version and the features, the license key can cost from hundreds to thousands of euros. For some users, this may be too expensive or inconvenient to obtain.

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Fortunately, there is a way to activate Codesys software for free, without using any illegal keygen or crack. This method is based on a simple trick that exploits the emergency license feature of Codesys. The emergency license allows users to run Codesys software for a limited time in case of a license failure or loss. By changing the system date and deleting a certain file, users can extend the emergency license indefinitely and use Codesys software without any restrictions.

How to Activate Codesys Software for Free

The following steps describe how to activate Codesys software for free using the emergency license trick. This method works for both Codesys version 2.3 and version 3.5.

  • Install Codesys software on your computer. You can download the latest version from the official website.

  • Change the system date of your computer to 2020. You can do this by going to the Control Panel > Date and Time > Change date and time.

  • Run 3S Licensing Manager from the Start menu > All Programs > CODESYS > Tools > Licensing Manager.

  • Select all the available licenses and click on Activate Emergency License. This will grant you a temporary license that will expire in a few days.

  • Change the system date back to the current date.

  • Navigate to C:\LM.DAT\LM.DAT and delete this file. This file contains the information about the expiration date of the emergency license.

  • Run Codesys software and enjoy its full functionality for free.

Note: You may need to repeat steps 2-6 every time you restart your computer or update Codesys software.


Codesys is a powerful and versatile software platform for industrial automation and embedded systems. However, it requires a license key to activate its full functionality, which can be expensive or hard to obtain for some users. By using the emergency license trick, users can activate Codesys software for free, without using any illegal keygen or crack. This method is simple and effective, but it may not be ethical or legal. Users should use this method at their own risk and responsibility.

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